Tuesday, April 03, 2012

sharing is caring

strangely enough, sometimes friends are the ones who're selfish and conceited.

i have this one friend who doesn't want to lend her notes to people, because she was the one who took the trouble to search for notes, so she doesn't want other people to get the same benefits like her.

sometimes, friends are the ones who can cause tension and annoyance compared to outsiders. kan? but of course we have to tolerate them, because they're our friends. but if they do step over the line, I believe it's also a friend's duty to tell them off in a non-threatening manner.

so what can we do when we have friends like these?

For starters, we can choose NOT to be like them, but be different, be more understanding, kind, caring. I mean, the kind of friends like them in this world is already enough la. The world needs more people who're tolerant and understanding.

I'm sure you have some friends who're a pain too right. Don't be in denial, everyone has at least one friend like that.

but think about it; these friends are the ones who remind us to never be like them, to never treat our friends like how they've treated us. Aha, a beautiful disaster after all. Oxymoron.

p/s: enjoy the hols, before it ends!!! argh.

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