Wednesday, May 02, 2012

of literature and roti canai

I like writing my lit essays and reading lit pieces because it gives me the opportunity to explore them, to peruse their untouched lands and to search for hidden gems. I like the complexity, the internal conflict, the stark change in personality of a character and it may sound dang weird but I enjoy indulging in them. Haha thank you for acknowledging my weird fetish. Even now as I finish up my lit assignment, I am so excited to write about this character who had gone through a tremendous 360-degree change just by being confined in a room for fifteen years. Imagine the immensity of the things he would have over-analysed in his fifteen-year confinement alone, which made him despised everything about life. Yes, LIFE. How epic is that? I am honoured to study this character. :-) Long live literature! (not tesl. but literature.)

And up to date I have not eaten roti canai since.... Stonehenge. :( I need to have a good, pipin' hot roti canai soaked in the warm embrace of thick, rich dhal. 


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