Wheee. I love it when we have holidays, even if it's just for a day. I get to wake up late and laze around at home (: Time of reflection. Whoopie can't wait for Sept hols to arrive !
The CF Comm of 09/10 stepped down last week (!) and whoosh, time flies faster than you think. The last thing I remembered was me stepping up last year and now I'm stepping down. Serving in CF was a greaaat experience and I'm never gonna trade it with anything else. I've learned so very much from the people I've met, those whom are so strong in faith that encourages you instantly. The ups and downs of being in the committee has made me learn from my mistakes and how faithful God is, even when I'm not.
So much to say, but Lord you know what I've been through. I thank YOU from the bottom of my heart that you pulled me through. I know this is just a stepping stone to something bigger installed for me. Thankyou for all your love and grace and strength and comfort. You are so awesome. IloveyouLord~

Haha last year's pic when we first stepped up. The guy in red shirt has left for Aus, replaced by Josh Tang. I'll miss you all ! :')
So much to say, but Lord you know what I've been through. I thank YOU from the bottom of my heart that you pulled me through. I know this is just a stepping stone to something bigger installed for me. Thankyou for all your love and grace and strength and comfort. You are so awesome. IloveyouLord~
Haha last year's pic when we first stepped up. The guy in red shirt has left for Aus, replaced by Josh Tang. I'll miss you all ! :')
For the new committee, I pray that you'll serve Him with much passion and willingness. Don't worry you'll be fine (;
On another note, the battle for STPM is almost over ! Argh can't wait can't wait. This big huGE stone will be removed from my path SOON. But how to prepare for this battle ? The inevitable word : STUDY. HAHA. Which I am ! But at a pace of a tortoise. Cannot la. Complacency+laziness = regret and failure later on. Must push myself outa my comfort zone.
Lord I need your strength for the final hurdle. Be with me as I study 'til my brain is FULL.
I can do this. ( :