Monday, January 17, 2011


I was about to make potato salad today when I touched the potatoes and they were fairly firm, but not solid firm, you know ?
So what I did was, I GOOGLED :'how do you tell potatoes are rotten ?"

LOL. the wonders of modern technology.
So senang, things can be.
It also speaks a lot of how us humans rely on them too much, until common sense doesn't kick in.

Like my not being able to differentiate between a rotten and a good potato. ):
The Google results said that a rotten potato is so soft, that when you press it your finger goes right through it.

And mine doesn't. In fact, it's not even considered to be soft and squishy. Just, not solid hard. Like pressing your skin.

And I was paranoid of that not-so-solid-hard-like-i-expect-them-to-be potato so I turned to Google.

*moment of silence*

kk byebye havefuneatingyourpotatoes.

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