Friday, September 16, 2016

one day, it gona blow and when it does, it gona be bigggg

Imma say upfront right now that pembelajaran sivik is seriously pointless (and I'm hedging my words here). Why have it when students don't give a hoot about it and it's not even included in as-pee-am. And teachers don't even bother teaching. So why have it??? Is it an outward portrayal of teaching students how to be civilized humans? Is it to fulfill a KPI or some nonessential bs? Or to reflect the morality of the education ministry? 

I really cant wrap my common sense round this. LOL. I find it ridiculously amusing. Question is; what am I to do about it? Join the system? Or try my best to turn bs into something worthy of remembering? And since I'm the minority in a big bucket of wriggling tuna fish (I like talking in metaphors), imma do the latter. hell to the no am i joining the system. but im in it, so... *ironical laugh*

But really.... how did the teachers and students tahan this over the years?! sigh. i really wish something can be done. 

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