Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Cloudy and a chance of sunshine

I'm such a big worrier. I worry about almost everything; from the big stuff to the teeniest detail. Why can't I not worry? Because it's my nature to worry and it's hard to shake off this bad habit. Excuses, excuses.

I worry about uni. I worry about tomorrow. I worry about work. I worry about christmas planning. I worry about my driving skillz that killz. I worry, about everything lah. :( boo.

There's a verse in the Bible that says: "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." Great reminder, thanks. But sometimes the feeling will creep in on me without me realizing and fog up my train of thoughts and common sense.

On another note uni is coming. piew piew piew. I told Alicia how I'm scared to enter uni, how my already decomposing brain cells will be unable to comprehend all the stuff to be learnt in uni, and she said this: Trust God, it'll be ok.

When I worry, I tend to forget that I should trust God, and that He's in control of everything. But that reassurance was restored when Al told me that. I hope it'll last.

I long to be free from the chains of worry!

=D optimism and positive-thinking, TM.

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