Monday, April 09, 2012

life in a nutshell

so april's here! time flies like super fast. 7 more weeks and lectures will come to an end, and then bye bye Sem2. I am so looking forward to that!!! tahan, tm, tahan. it'll come. To be honest I have to literally drag myself to pack my barang yesterday to come back to The Hole. Yeah so teruk right but I'm sorry i can't help it.

isn't it normal when hols end, everybody dreads going back to the old routines? Exactly my point.

but home and church are the best places to destress and to..feel like a PJ girl once again, whatever that means. there's no place like home. True that.

anyway i had a nasty bout of diarrhoea/food poisoning on saturday which spoilt my saturday urgh! But phew thank God I'm 95% cured today. :) what am i to do without my mum's care for me? she took care of me when i was having this terrible tummy ache, and i feel loved :)

have a good week, i hope i do. blergh

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