Monday, May 06, 2013

On the solid rock I stand

"democracy is dead".

No, it is not dead! Please stop saying that. If you say it is, it means all hope is gone for change to happen. There is still hope in the darkest of night! We can cling on to that and do something about it... it's more than changing your profile pics to black.

This dark episode will be etched in my heart as a painful reminder of broad-daylight unfairness and uncleanliness. The hurt, anger and disappointment that i initially had upon hearing this news have been replaced with acceptance, hope and assurance for indeed, all is not lost!

-God grant us the serenity to accept things we cannot change;
 courage to change the things we can; 
and wisdom to know the difference.-

1 comment:

waiyan said...

In Jesus Name, Amen :)