Friday, July 25, 2014

6 weeks of learning

It's the holiday season now!! YAY!!! :D So happy the 1 week hol has arrived. It was just 5 weeks ago when Pearl and I were saying 'very fast wan the hols come' and wham! it's here :) Can't believe 5 weeks of teaching passed already. And left only 15days/3 weeks until I bid my students farewell. :( Feeling happy but sad too.

I get defensive if any teacher says my f4 students are naughty/dumb/not smart/not worthy of studying. Before judging them we should look at their family backgrounds and what was it like at home for them. A lot of BB boys came from broken families or shelter homes and to me, it was a very sad eye-opener where the difficult stuff of reality sinks in. A friend I recently spoke to told me that despite it being a school that needs enforcement in discipline, it is a school that has a Heart in d middle of it compared to other good schools. This is where the teachers are tested to reach out to the students to touch and mend broken lives and hopefully, to make a difference.

My heart goes out to the students who lack care and love at home. It is very heart-breaking indeed. Now as I reflect back, it's a blessing in disguise to be sent to BB because the students themselves have taught me to open my heart to accept and love the unloved, to throw out my judgemental mindset and to be patient. My hardened heart to teach right from Year 1 itself is starting to have cracks. Hmm but maybe not so much of joining the teaching force under the education ministry but more of interaction, understanding and getting to know these unique students that need help. 

It's amazing how God can move my hardened heart and perspective.

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