Everyone told us about the hype before and during teaching practical, but no one warned us about post-teaching. :( After 10 weeks of non-stop planning where everyday in my mind i'm constantly thinking about lesson plans and my students, when suddenly today, wham! my day is free, i can wake up however late i want etc. But i feel a sense of emptiness inside; the fun and exciting content that has been building up since the first day of teaching has been emptied on my last day of teaching and now i'm back to square one of hollowness.
How do i fill it again, I asked myself. Here i am, an overly-attached trainee teacher who is supposed to enjoy her first bumming day but instead it went on without meaning. I slacked, lie on my bed, went online, read a book and just be brain dead was not really fun. I miss the hype of preparing LP and thinking of interesting activities to try on my students.
Uh oh... is this a sign that I miss... teaching?? or that I should go into teaching? *pulls hair in confusion*
but bottom line is, I miss my students. :( I miss interacting with them and seeing their sakainess. I miss their loud noisy chatter and their kind personalities. I miss being stern with them when they play too much, like saying "Danish.." and give the stare. I miss helping students or answering their questions. I miss writing on the board and bursting into laughter when I find their answers a bit sakai.
I just miss my students!!! :( hard to let go, but it has to be done.
You like the word sakai a lot haha
haha itz a bad habit :p
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