Friday, April 13, 2012

rain in a draught

"Hang on to His promises."

"You are in UM for a purpose.."

Today, I heard these two lines that I've been longing to hear, to be reminded of. Pastor daniel tan's talk today was like a knife to my heart. lol. It was like .. rain in a draught. Something I needed to hear for so long, something to fill my restless heart and soul. What he said, I hung on to his every word. Indeed, as he prayed, may God speak to us in this room. And God did. To me.

The sermon today is still so real, so tangible in my mind. I regretted not bringing pen and paper. lol. But ... i'm kind of speechless right now.. haha.. God truly knows my heart, how I've been feeling throughout this sem and He shook me up. Thank you God. I....There's no words to describe how refreshed I felt today...

To sum everything up (yeah I cant even type it out here because .. the feeling is just so... euphoric, so...*speechless) , it's EXACTLY what I needed to hear today.

tq God. tq.

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are King over the flood
And I will be still....and know you..are God

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