so here's the thing; malaysians are really awesome and unique in such a way that we have our own slang aka manglish. Like: Hey how are you LA? Cannot MEH? Sure BOH? ABUDEN? Sure can WAN. AIYO. Can LOR. Can AH?
hahaha. I have said the above a million times. Guilty, but proud to be guilty. It's embedded in me and I can't get it out! I say lah everyday, in almost every sentence (except during presentations. But it's difficult). And every malaysian I know says that, even msians who have studied abroad for years and has come home. :)
It's a malaysian thing lah.
But it's also a connector, a bridge with other msians as well. It's like a universal (or malaysianiversal. HA) slang where all malaysians can understand.
so here I am, proud to say that I use manglish. And I know most uM lecturers don't like it, but a-ha here's the catch; they say it too! so,a very simple solution to avoid being called a hypocrite: Don't say manglish lor. Ta-da. Don't get me wrong, i ain't pointing fingers at any lecturer. I'm merely pointing out the truth, no? >:-) Cheers to manglish!
On a different note, seeing malaysia and life in general through the lens of a 21year old is very different. I realized that my views and opinions have broadened and I tend to disagree with a lot of things adults say, forming my own opinions and having this gut feeling that I'm right. At this age, things are slowly unfolding, peeling, revealing its ugly side and lemme tell you, it can come as a shock, but taking it as an adult (21 yrs old mah must puji diri sedikit) I try to stay level-headed and cool. And it helps, being able to think maturely.
And I like what's happening. I like how my thoughts/opinions/stand are being moulded and refined as I grow older. Like they say, with age comes wisdom. The older, the wiser. And it is true. It's a fact. I have grown so so much. And I can't wait to grow more each day, soaking up everything; politically, spiritually, physically...:)
Welcome to adulthood, TM. This is just the beginning.