I decided to read and scan through my blog posts since '11 and I was cringing almost almost the whole time. :0
I started with year 2011 and oh man I can't stomach what I wrote. The posts were so... chatty, so light-weighted, so kiddish and innocent-like. And rarely any deep or thought-provoking posts. Then I skimmed through year '12 and it wasn't so bad but there were still traces of fairy-dust and cotton candy. And then comes this year where all chattiness ceased and the cheesiness died off. The mood was somewhat more mellow and the tone more mature. It's like the lights dimmed a lot more on my stage compared to 2011. And to be honest, I like it. I like the 'me' now, more thought-centred and mature. I guess this year, the naiveness toned down a lot compared to the last two years.
I've changed.